
Service Desk

Escalation and Resolution Guidelines

Our service desk offers direct support Monday through Friday. It is your primary contact for resolving technical issues and managing service requests efficiently.

We offer prompt support and expert assistance to ensure your operations run smoothly with minimal disruption. For urgent needs outside of these hours, you can open a ticket 24/7/365 via email, ensuring continuous support for your business.

Whether addressing incidents or fulfilling requests, our dedicated team is here to help you at any time.

Escalation List, Process, and Timelines

Should you need to escalate an issue, our team is available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST.
You can open a ticket 24/7/365 via email.

Escalation LevelContact NameContact NumbersEmail Address
1 Globalgig Service DeskUS Toll Free
+1 844 483 5474
Opt #2
Direct Dial
+1 512 717 0161 (US)
[email protected]
2Service Desk Team Lead*

*To reach the Service Desk Team Lead,
please either call directly or
include your request in an email.
US Toll Free
+1 844 483 5474
Opt #2
Direct Dial
+1 512 717 0161 (US)
[email protected]
3 Dustin Miller
IT Support Supervisor
Direct Dial
+1 737 358 4186 (US)
+1 801 210 9176 (US)
[email protected]
4Ben Mailey
VP of Support Operations
Direct Dial
+1 737 277 9492 (US)
+1 254 681 8375 (US)
[email protected]

The escalation steps are as follows:

  • 1st Level of Escalation: One hour after the ticket has been opened.
  • 2nd Level of Escalation: Two hours after the ticket has been opened.
  • 3rd Level of Escalation: Three hours after the ticket has been opened.
  • 4th Level of Escalation: Four hours after the ticket has been opened.

Service intervals are the targeted levels only and do not replace the contracted levels defined in a customer’s master service level agreement.

Ticket Priority Assignment Matrix

Globalgig uses the following matrix to assign priority (severity) to support issues:

Globalgig Ticket Handling

Priority LevelDefinitionMTTATicket UpdatesMTTR
Priority 1 Corporate Internet or cloud services are down; technical issues halting time sensitive work. 1 HourHourly4 Hours
Priority 2 Technical issues that impede time sensitive work.4 HoursEvery 4 hours or by the next business day1 Business Day
Priority 3Individual hardware or software support, network issues, account issues, and printing problems.8 HoursEvery 8 hours or by next business day 2 Business Days
Priority 4Technology consultation, general questions, office moves.2 Business DaysEvery 8 hours or by next business day 5 Business Days

MTTA: Mean Time to Accept – The elapsed time it takes for the technician to pick up a ticket and start working on it.

MTTR: Mean Time to Resolution – Elapsed time it takes to resolve customer issues.