
Orchestra Platform

Comprehensive Global Service Management, One Platform

In today’s digital-first world, enterprises require a unified approach to seamlessly manage their global communication services. Globalgig’s Orchestra is a groundbreaking Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) managed communication platform designed to empower you with extensive control over your wireless, SD-WAN, network services, voice, managed services, and more worldwide.

Orchestra at-a-Glance

Orchestra is more than just a tool or portal; it’s a comprehensive platform that integrates all your communication services, providing unparalleled control and visibility. Orchestra acts as your “single pane of glass,” allowing complete oversight and service management.

Orchestra offers detailed inventory and billing management across all services, from wireless SIM cards to global networking equipment, ensuring seamless network operations with robust security and compliance, including SOC2 Type 2 standards and multifactor authentication. Orchestra Insight delivers real-time analytics and actionable insights, enabling proactive management and performance optimization. Orchestra eSIM provides the detailed tools you need to manage and analyze your worldwide wireless inventory, control coverage, and optimize spending according to your business requirements.

Orchestra’s user-friendly, cloud-based platform can be accessed through a comprehensive range of application programming interfaces (APIs) for optimized performance and may be customized to align with your brand.

Orchestra Insight

Orchestra Insight is more than network monitoring – it’s AI-driven, actionable network intelligence. Our site-level monitoring framework reduces notification noise, identifying network events that impact users, and clarifies what you need to communicate to keep those users informed. With contextualized monitoring and customizable dashboards, you have the power to dial in the granularity, allowing you to fully understand network availability, risk and health, and the impact to application performance. It’s the level of detail you need, when you need it, exactly how you want it, in the best format for you.

Orchestra Insight helps you manage the network assets, events, and notifications to narrow your focus to only what matters. It combines the data and insight for complete command of your network.

Key Benefits:

  • Site-level user experience. A holistic view shifting from device-centric to service-centric insights and management.
  • Monitor physical, virtual, and software-defined networks (VPNs, routers, switches, firewalls, wireless, etc.).
  • Measure service health, availability, and risk in a single real-time dashboard.


  • Automatically detect anomalous patterns and auto-correlate events, reducing noise and focusing on service-impacting issues.
  • Drive intelligent decisions: Shift away from the noise of frequent, unqualified notifications to streamlined intelligence. Triage network performance based on comprehensive device and network information, all in a single incident ticket.

Orchestra eSIM

Orchestra eSIM management is designed to streamline the handling of global SIM card inventories, network coverage and usage, offering a comprehensive solution for mobile connectivity management. Globalgig ensures you can access the most comprehensive wireless reporting options.

Key Features:

  • Single Pane-of-Glass Management: Manages all aspects of SIM services, including subscription, network coverage, usage, billing, and device location from one platform.
  • Usage and Spend Control: Enables effective management of account spend with customizable usage limits and proactive, real-time spend notifications.
  • Wireless Autobar: Allows you to set usage limits, preventing your account spend from getting out of control and avoiding surprises in your bill.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Offers detailed reports on service usage and SIM activities, allowing you to drill down into specific data points for better management.
Simplifies global SIM card management, reducing the need for multiple management tools.
Minimizes unexpected charges with effective usage controls and notifications.
Provides actionable insights through advanced analytics, helping to identify cost savings and optimize resource allocation.

Orchestra OSS/BSS

Orchestra OSS/BSS simplifies operations and business support systems through an integrated SaaS platform, ensuring efficient inventory, rating, and billing management.

Designed with an array of features to enhance usability and efficiency, Orchestra OSS/BSS ensures effective security and compliance with SOC2, Type 2 standards, multifactor authentication, and single sign-on capabilities. It provides customizable access through unique user profiles and hierarchical access control, enabling you to manage your inventory and billing efficiently. Paired with advanced reporting to deliver detailed insights into operations and customer activities, Orchestra OSS/BSS supports seamless billing across multiple currencies.

Key Benefits:

  • Comprehensive and flexible management with multi-tenanted, multi-currency, and multi-taxation capabilities. Reduced operational complexities through a single interface that manages billing, inventory, and user access, streamlining processes and improving efficiency.
  • Custom workflow creation to create tailored processes, increasing business efficiency.


  • Enhanced security measures to safeguard operator and customer data, ensuring a secure operating environment.
  • Improved service delivery enabled by quick access to actionable data and insights, which help drive informed decision-making and operational optimization.
  • White-labeling options allow you to brand the platform with your own colors and logos for integration with your corporate identity.

Read More About Globalgig's Services

Wireless Broadband

Unleash the power of wireless with affordable, always-on, unlimited 5G connectivity. Replace traditional broadband with a complete solution including wireless service and equipment for fast and reliable data access.

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IoT Connectivity

Delivers the high-performance connectivity IoT applications require, as well as worldwide coverage and technology options tailored for each use case, all via a single provider and easy-to-use portal.

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SIM Management

Connect ubiquitously and seamlessly worldwide, with the broadest choice in SIMs and access to our Orchestra SIM management platform.

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Learn More About Orchestra

For more information on how you can leverage our innovative SaaS platform as a single source to manage all your Globalgig services, talk to us today.